International Organisation - 3

31. Which country is the highest Tourist destination for UNWTO?
Answer :- France

32. Name the Headquarters of Commonwealth?
Answer :- London, UK

33. Who put forward the name Commonwealth?
Answer :- Lord Rosebery
34. What is known as CHOGM?
Answer :- Commonwealth Head of Government Meeting
Kamalesh Sharma

35. Who is the Secretary General of Commonwealth?
Answer :- Kamalesh Sharma [Indian]

36. Who were the founding fathers of NAM?
Answer :- Jawaharlal Nehru , President Gamal Nasser of Egypt, President Tito of Yogoslavia

37. What is AFRICA fund?
Answer :- The Action for Resisting Invasion Colonialism and Apartheid

38. 16th Non-Aligned Movement Summit was held at ?
Answer :- Tehran,Iran[2012 August]

39. SAARC established on ?
Answer :- 8th December 1985

40. Which is the largest country of SAARC?
Answer :- India

41. The African Union was formed as the successor of the ?
Answer :- Organisation of African Unity [OAU]

42. The Headquarters of African Union?
Answer :- Addis Ababa,Ethiopia

43. Where is the Headquarters of APEC?
Answer :- Singapore

44. What is BIMSTEC?
Answer :- Bay of Bangal Initiative for Multi Sectoral Technical and Economic Coporation

45. What is known as the 'Big Four'?
Answer :- Brazil, Russia, India and China [BRIC]


General Knowledge

International Organisation

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