Lost Onetime Registration ID and Password

If you Lost your User ID and Password of Kerala Public Service Commission One Time Registration.
CLICK Forgot Password link under Registration User Login Part. Check out the following image..
By Clicking that link appear a popup like this (Check out the following Image)

In that popup Fill Up the details like User ID, Date of Birth, ID Proof given in the profile, ID Proof Number and click Reset Button
Help Desk Numbers (Working Hours only) 0471-2546400; 0471-2546401; 0471-2447201; 0471-2444428; 0471-2444438
After successfully resetting, your new password will be the first six characters of User ID followed by digits of date of birth (i.e. without / or -). 
For example: If your User ID is anilthiruvallamand date of birth is 21/11/1973 the new password will be anilth21111973



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