Here is the Question Solved Question Paper of INVESTIGATOR post in the KIRTADS Department. Kerala Public Service Commission conducted the examination on 8TH AUGUST 2023. Please Check the following for the same.
The nature of Anthropology is deals about
A) To study on Social Science
B) To study on applied Social Science
C) To study on holistic perspective
d) All of the above
The Scientific Theory of culture is explaining about
A) Study of Culture
B) Study of Ecology
C) Need of humans
d) Study of material Science
Which species of the first hominid specimens to be subjected to Radio Dating ?
A) Homo Erectus
B) Neandertal
C) Ramapithecus
d) Zini
Who was found the first stone tools in Olduvai Gorge area
A) Butter Jones
B) dian Tossy
C) Louis Leakey
D) Gabriel Laskar
The principle meaning of Ecology is
A) live mountain areas
B) Adaptation to environment
C) living in forest areas
d) living in water surrounding areas
The Potlatching is a practice of the Indians of the
A) Newland
B) North West Coast of America
C) South America
D) Papua New Guinea
Indus Valley Civilization was a combination of
A) Stone Age and metal Age
B) Pre-historic Age
C) Cave Art Age
d) more literate Age
The culture and personality study were carried out by morris E. Opler among the following :
A) Iroquois Indians
B) Hopi Indians in Arizona
C) An Apache life way
d) melanesians Tribes
The Shaman is a
A) medicine man
B) Religious Practitioner
C) A magician
D) A Tribal God
The handbook on cultural patterns and technical value of anthropological research is deals
A) Poverty
B) Public Health, Healthcare, Agricultural practices
C) Work Education
d) Social life of villagers
The RaniKhera village is located in
A) North India
B) North East
C) South India
d) South West
The society (or) culture of mankind has passed through three successive development stages, namely,
A) Social and Cultural
B) Natural and Educational
C) Volunteer and Self
d) Religion and Science
In which book the contemporary study of religious traditions in India was dealt ?
A) Society in India by Ram Auguja
B) Structure and change in Indian Society by milton Singer
C) Village India by mckim marriot
D) Sacred complex in Hindu Gaya – L.P. Vidyarthi
The main scope of pre-historic Archaeological Anthropology is as follows
A) Study of Art
B) Study of Plant and Animal life
C) Study of Paleolithic man and Culture
d) Eolithic man
Who has attempted to make a distinction between Social Structure and Social Organization ?
A) Levi-Strauss
B) G.P. Murdock
C) Raymond Firth
d) E.B. Taylor
The “Good enough” was studied the aspects of
A) maya Indians
B) The problem in Polynesian Organization
C) life of American Indians
d) Nuer life of Africa
The levels of socio-cultural integration were introduced by
A) B. malinowski
B) Abraham Gardiner
C) Julian H. Steward
D) G.P. Murdock
Redfield concept of folk society and folk culture are based largely on his studies of
A) Iroquois tribes
B) Hopi Indians
C) The maya Indians
d) Eskimos
The village study of Kathalen Gough was conducted in Tanjore District in South India, it focusses on
A) Village Politics
B) Village Factions
C) Village Social System
d) Irrigation System
Tylor what he discussed in his book, Primitive Culture
A) Cultural Evolutionism
B) Cultural Ecology
C) Two methods of revolutionary reconstruction
d) Unity of mankind
Morgan Theory mainly discusses about
A) Physical Evolution
B) Family organization and kinship terminology
C) Social life of human groups
d) Religious activities
Which statement is correct
A) malinowski was a Functionalist
B) malinowski was a diffusionist
C) malinowski was an Evolutionist
d) malinowski was a Russian Anthropologist
Parochialization is opposite process to Universalization said by
A) Kathaleen Gough
B) Oscar Lewis
C) mckim marriot
d) l.P. Vidyarthi
The circulating exchange of valuables in the Archipelagoes of Eastern New Guinea
A) Kwakitul
B) Polatch
C) Kula
d) Barter
Who makes a distinction between ‘development Anthropology’ and ‘Anthropology of Development’ ?
i) Escobar
ii) Rapport
iii) James Frazer
iv) James Herskovits
Choose the correct answer from below :
A) Only i
B) Only i and ii
C) Only i, ii and iii
D) All the above
We understand that the system of distribution prevails in all types of societies. The American economic anthropologists Karl Polanyi and Paul Bohannan distinguish three different modes of distribution or exchange. They are
i) Reciprocity
ii) Redistribution
iii) market exchange
iv) None of the above
Choose the correct answer from the following :
A) Only i and ii
B) Only ii and iii
C) Only i, ii and iii
D) Only iv
Which of the following is true about Negative Reciprocity ?
i) It is a form of exchange in which one tries to get something, out of nothing, or for a lesser value.
ii) On certain occasions, the goods are collected by a central agency. It is then distributed to others who are in need of it.
iii) In potlatch a chief or a host accumulates materials for redistribution among its members.
iv) Silent trade or dumb barter has been noted in some African societies. It is a specialized form of barter in which no verbal communication takes place.
Choose the correct answer from the following :
A) Only i and ii are true
B) Only i is true
C) None of the above are true
D) All the above are true
The Class differences which are defined in terms of levels of income and wealth are reflected in class-specific consumption patterns. In cultures with class structures, upper-class people spend more on consumption than the poor. The poor, however, spend a higher percentage of their total income on consumption than the rich, especially on needs such as
i) Food
ii) Clothing
iii) Shelter
iv) Transportation Choose the correct answer from the following :
A) Only i and ii and iii are true
B) Only i is true
C) None of the above are true
D) All the above are true
n contemporary industrial societies, money is key item of exchange. No dollar bill has more meaning or significance than any other. In many other economies, money plays a less important role and valued items such as the below ............. are prominent exchange items
i) Time
ii) Labour
iii) Goods
iv) Digital exchange Choose the correct answer from the following :
A) Only ii is correct
B) Both i and ii are correct
C) All the three i, ii and iii are correct
D) None of the above is correct
Gender is the key factor structuring the organization of labour, with male and female work roles often being clearly differentiated. male and female roles fall in to three general patterns. most commonly, men do the clearing and men and women plant and tend the staple crops that are the basis of the peoples’ everyday diets. This pattern exists in
i) Trobriand Islanders
ii) Papua New Guinea iii) Samoan Islanders
iv) Gusii of Kenya Choose the correct answer from the following :
A) Only ii is correct
B) Both i and ii are correct
C) All the three i, ii and iii are correct
D) None of the above is correct
In India the dimensions of civilization are tribal, rural and urban. Anthropologist Robert Redfield is of the opinion that both folk and urban civilizations are not in isolation, rather they are interdependent and interactive. It is on this idea that he developed the concept of
i) Culture and Personality
ii) Structure and Functionality
iii) Folk Urban Continuum
iv) Urban Continuity
Choose the correct answer from the following :
A) Only ii correct
B) Only iv correct
C) Only iii correct
D) Only i correct
he term refers to groups of people who are the original inhabitants of a particular territory Often; these people now take the name of First peoples as a way of self-definition as original claimants to a place.
i) Indigenous People
ii) Industrial People
iii) Post Industrial People
iv) Pre Industrial People
Choose the correct answer from the following :
A) Only i correct
B) Only iv correct
C) Only iii correct
D) Only ii correct
Which is not the limitation of Case Study ?
i) Case history records could be open to errors due to faulty selection of case and inaccurate observation.
ii) It is very difficult to draw generalizations on the basis of a few cases.
iii) A Case Study helps to probe the in-depth analysis of a social unit.
iv) Case Study is time-consuming and costly in certain cases.
Choose the correct answer from the following :
A) Only i correct
B) Only iv correct
C) Only iii correct
D) Only ii correct
The genealogical method was used, along with observation method census and settlement pattern, first by W H R Rivers in field research and produced his classical monograph on the
i) Todas
ii) Khasi
iii) Garo
iv) Angami
Choose the correct answer from the following :
A) Only i correct
B) Only iv correct
C) Only iii correct
D) Only ii correct
There is a local belief that the nails and hair removed from the body are not to be thrown in the open space, because there is a chance of the same being used for black magic causing harm to the person concerned
i) Etic view
ii) Emic view
iii) Outsider view
iv) Psychic view
Choose the correct answer from the following :
A) Only i correct
B) Only iv correct
C) Only iii correct
D) Only ii correct
The important features of ethnology can be listed as below
i) Ethnology is narrative
ii) Ethnology is historical
iii) Ethnology is comparative
iv) It can be based on ethnographies
Choose the correct answer from the following :
A) i and ii are true
B) i and ii and iii are true
C) Only i is true
D) i, ii, iii and iv are true
A system practiced in North malabar, to collect a considerable amount of money when the members are in dire need of it
i) Panappayattu
ii) Kurikalyanam
iii) Talikatukalyanam
iv) malabar Kalyanam
Choose the correct answer from the following :
A) Only i true
B) Only ii true
C) Only iii and iv are true
D) Only i and ii are true
The Anthropological fieldwork has four types of field notes in practice. Human memory is a very poor recording device, especially for the kind of details that make the difference between good and so-so ethnographic research. Keep a note pad with you at all times and make field jottings on the spot. This applies to both formal and informal interviews in bars and cafe’s, in homes and on the street. Which of the following are the types of field notes practiced by anthropologists in field studies ?
i) Jottings
ii) A diary
iii) A log
iv) Field notes
Choose the correct answer from the following :
A) Only i true
B) Only ii true
C) i and iii are true
D) All the above are correct
In new ethnography we have different types of Ethnography which are
i) Reflexivity
ii) Auto Ethnography
iii) Team Ethnography
iv) dialogical Ethnography
Choose the correct answer from the following :
A) Only i correct
B) Both i and ii are correct
C) i, ii and iii are correct
D) All the above are correct
The unique contribution to the study of anthropology was the theory that culture is ‘‘personality writ large’’. Is given by
i) Ruth Fulton Benedict
ii) margaret mead
iii) John derek Freeman
iv) Bronislaw malinowski
Choose the correct answer from the following :
A) Only i correct
B) Only iv correct
C) Only iii correct
D) Only ii correct
Who distinguished three main modes of claiming legitimacy ?
A) Shils and Finch
B) max Weber
C) Karl marx
D) Vilfredo Pareto
Who among the following discussed about dyadic relationship and ‘Triad’ ?
A) C.H. Cooley
B) Herbert mead
C) G. Simmel
D) Talcott Parsons
Which does not belong to superstructure in Marxian analysis ?
A) Politics
B) Religion and Belief Systems
C) Family
D) Capital
Who was of the view that “Religion is an eminently collective thing” ?
A) Karl marx
B) max Weber
C) E. durkheim
D) Vilfredo Pareto
Who among the following also wrote on class and caste, legal system and music ?
A) Karl marx
B) max Weber
C) Vilfredo Pareto
D) Emile durkheim
Who stated in writing on the legal system of continental Europe that, “the modern judge is a vending machine into which the pleadings are inserted together with the fee and which then disgorges the judgement together with the reasons mechanically derived from the code” ?
A) max Weber
B) T. Veblen
C) Gerth and Mills
D) Karl Marx
Who talked about the ‘bracketing of knowledge’ and ‘Intentionality of consciousness’ in the context of theory of Phenomenology ?
A) Edmund Husserl
B) Robert morris
C) Alfred Schutz
D) E. Goffman
during the 1930s, Harvard became an important center of sociological thinking. Who among the following taught there and introduced from Europe an approach called ‘Structural-functionalism’ ?
A) Robert d. Park and G.H. Mead
B) Pitirim Sorokin and Talcott Parsons
C) G.H. Mead and C.H. Cooley
D) W.I. Thomas and Talcott Parsons
Who among the following believed that “Religion, Social status and property are all sources of power and authority” ?
A) Ranajit Guha
B) Mahatma Gandhi
C) david Hardiman
D) B.R. Ambedkar
Which of the following Indologist was of the opinion that, “Sociology of India lies at the confluence of sociology and Indology” ?
A) Louis Dumont
B) G.S. Ghurye
C) Iravati Karve
D) K.m. Kapadia
Which of the following thinkers opined that there are ‘necessary conditions of existence’ for human societies which are discoverable for scientific study ?
A) Radcliffe-Brown
B) Talcott Parsons
C) B. malinowski
D) R.K. merton
Which ‘marxologist’ believed that the ‘unhistorically minded’ young marxist ran the risk of ending up as a ‘fascist’ ?
A) P.H. Prabhu
B) A.R. desai
C) R.K. Mukherjee
D) D.P. Mukherjee
Who among the following describes the concept of functional unity by analyzing the interaction in ritual context of different caste of the Coorgs ?
A) S.C. dube
B) A.M. Shah
C) M.N. Srinivas
D) T.K. Oommen
Which of the following Indian Sociologist has consistently advocated and applied dialectical historical model in his sociological studies ?
A) A.R. desai
B) P.H. Prabhu
C) Y. Singh
D) M.N. Panini
Which among the following scholars propounded the hypothesis that industrialization and urbanization will lead to the development of a nuclear or a conjugal family system ?
A) W.J. Goode
B) I.P. Desai
C) K. Gough
D) B.S. Cohn
Who among the following hypothesises that change first occurs within the family (latent, emotional ties) and then of the family (manifest, structural ties) ?
A) S.C. Dube
B) R.D. Naik
C) Both A) and B)
D) None of the above
Who among the following formulated in a neo-marxian framework the global economic interconnections in terms of relationship among the core (world of imperial markets), the periphery (economically dependent economies) and the semi-periphery ?
A) A. Giddens
B) R. Robertson
C) J. Beckford
D) I. Wallerstein
Which of the following project is an example where environmental and religious organizations came together to argue for the preservation of a sacred geography ?
A) The Vrindavan Conservation Project
B) Narmada Bachao Andolan
C) Both A) and B)
D) None of the above
Who among the following contributed in establishing the field of ‘Social Ecology’ ?
A) Radha Kamal Mukherjee
B) Ramachandra Guha
C) A.R. Desai
D) Both A) and B)
Since the passing of............, the major change that took place in context of women functionaries of Panchayati Raj Institutions was political representation of women through reservation.
A) The 73 rd Constitutional Amendment Act
B) The 74 th Constitutional Amendment Act
C) The 42 nd Constitutional Amendment Act
D) The 51 st Constitutional Amendment Act
According to whom the environmental struggles in India have largely been characterized as the ‘environmentalism of the poor’.
A) Amita Baviskar
B) Madhav Gadgil
C) Ramachandra Guha
D) None of the above
The adult members of every household must fulfill which of the following condition(s) for guaranteed rural employment under the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005 ?
A) reside in any rural areas
B) are willing to do unskilled manual work
C) Both A) and B)
D) None of the above
‘Tharavad’ in kinship is associated with which society ?
A) Todas of Nilgiri
B) Nairs of Kerala
C) Konkani’s of Goa
D) Khatries of Punjab
Who among the following conducted his field study in Shamirpet ?
A) Andrē Bēteille
B) Yogendra Singh
C) S.C. Dube
D) M.N. Srinivas
Which of the following year is called as demographic divide
A) 1901
B) 1911
C) 1921
D) 2001
Which of the following State is regarded as DEMARU State ?
A) Gujarat
B) Madhya Pradesh
C) Rajasthan
D) Uttar Pradesh
Who preferred to call Tribals as backward Hindus ?
A) Mahatma Gandhiji
B) Narasimha Mehta
C) D.N. Majumdar
D) G.S. Ghurye
“Development is ultimate a matter of human freedom, expansion of freedom is both the primary end and principle means of development. Perusing development means attempting to remove un-freedom such as tyranny, famine and poverty”. This understanding of development is related to whom ?
A) Amartya Sen
B) Raghu Ram Rajan
C) Mohammad Unus
d) Manmohan Singh
Match the following :
1) Article 17 - i) Prohibition of discrimination
2) Article 23 - ii) Abolition of Untouchability
3) Article 15 - iii) Prohibition of Traffic in human beings
4) Article 16 - iv) Equality of Opportunity
A) 1-ii, 2-iii, 3-iv, 4-i
B) 1-ii, 2-iii, 3-i, 4-iv
C) 1-ii, 2-i, 3-iii, 4-iv
D) 1-i, 2-ii, 3-iv, 4-iii
Which toxic gas has killed the people of Bhopal in Union Carbide Company tragedy ?
A) Methyl Bromide
B) Methyl Solicilate
C) Metal Ethanoate
D) Methyl Isocynate
Which of the following is not a lifestyle disease ?
A) Heart diseases
B) Obesity
C) diabetes
D) Poverty
Which of the following is not a cause for the declining the child sex ratio of India ?
A) Sex specific abortions
B) Poverty
C) Science and son complex
D) Neglect of girl babies in infanc
A survey taking place at interval over a long period is called
A) latitudinal survey
B) longitudinal survey
C) Case study
D) Content analysis
Match the following
1) Gang leader for a day i) John Goldthrope
2) The affluent worker ii) Sudhir Venkatesh
3) Hard labour iii) Rosenthal and Jacobson
4) Field Experiment iv) Coroline Gartell
A) 1-ii, 2-i, 3-iv, 4-iii
B) 1-i, 2-ii, 3-iii, 4-iv
C) 1-iii, 2-i, 3-ii, 4-iv
D) 1-iv, 2-i, 3-iii, 4-ii
The finding one respondent and getting the researcher in touch with one or more other is called
A) Quota sampling
B) Stratified sampling
C) Random sampling
D) Snowball sampling
A common set of possible responses is : agree strongly/agree/neither agree nor disagree/disagree/strongly disagree is called
A) open question
B) pre-coded question
C) scaled question
d) self completion
Which of the following method involves gathering information through different strategies such as collecting data at different times in different context and from different people ?
A) Researcher triangulation
B) Theoretical triangulation
C) data triangulation
d) Contrasting research method
Mini version of full scale study design to test its feasibility is
A) Pilot study
B) longitudinal study
C) latitudinal study
D) Falsification
Who argues that data can never speak for itself, it has to be analysed, by bringing together and categorising related ideas and interpreted ?
A) Jurgen Hebermas
B) Pierre Bourdieu
C) Anthony Giddens
D) Micheal Foucault
Match the following :
1) Code of ethics - i) Subjects in an experiment who are exposed to an independent variable introduced by a researcher
2) Content analysis - ii) The unidentified influence that observer or experiments can have on their subjects
3) Experimental group - iii) The systematic coding and objective recording of data guided by some rationale
4) Hathorne effect - iv) Maintain objectivity, integrity, respect the subject’s right to privacy in research
A) 1-iv, 2-iii, 3-ii, 4-i
B) 1-iv, 2-ii, 3-i, 4-iii
C) 1-iv, 2-iii, 3-i, 4-ii
D) 1-iii, 2-iv, 3-i, 4-ii
Name the organisation to which the following passage is related with ? Its pioneers were Kesari Balakrishna Pillai, P. Kesavadev, P.C. Kuttikrishnan, S.K. Pottekkat etc. It is closely related with an idea called “Jeeval Sahithyam”. It was founded around in 1937 in Kerala. [1) Nadaka Prasthanam; 2) Purogamana Sahitya Prasthanam; 3) Kalasamskarika Prasthanam; 4) Kathakali Prasthanam]
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
Which one of the following pairs is correct ?
1) Kallumala agitation – Sahodaran Ayyappan
2) Savarna Jatha – Guruvayur Satyagraha
3) Pattinijatha – K. Kelappan
4) Shannar agitation – Melmundu Kalappam
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
Identify the person who is mentioned in the following hints.
1) One of the founding member of the All Kerala Women’s league.
2) She had served as a member of madras legislative Assembly in 1936 and 1946.
3) She took part in Civil Disobedience Movement and put to jail for two years.
1) A.V. Kuttimalu Amma
2) Accama Cheriyan
3) Anna Chandi
4) Lalitha Prabhu.
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4


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