PSC English - ology Words

Dear Kerala PSC Aspirants here is some English Words Have a nice day.
Anthropology : - The Study of Human
Apiology - The Study of Bees
Arachnology - The Study of Spiders
Arachaeology - The Study of past cultures through the analysis of materials remaining
Astrology - The Study of purported influences of stars on human affairs
Bacteriology - The Study of bacteria
Biology - The study of life
Camanology - The Study of bells
Cardiology - The Study of the heart
Characterology - The Study of the Character
Chelonology - The Study of turtles
Chronology - The study of time / The study of things in order of time.
Climatology - The study of the climate
Coleoperology - The Study of beetles
Conchology - The Study of shells and of molluscs
Cosmology - The Study of the cosmos or our place in it.
Cosmetology - The Study of the universe.
Criminology - The scientific study of crime
Cytology - The study of cells
Deltiology - Collecting of picture postcard
Demonology - The study of demons
Dendrology - The study of trees
Dermatology - The study of medicine that deals with the skin
Dipterology - The study of flies
Ecology - The study of the interrelationships between living organisms and their environment.
Embryology - The study of Embryos
Endocrinology - The study of Internal Secretory Glands
Enigmatology - The study of Pazzles
Entomology - The study of Insects
Epidemiology - The study of epidemics
Ethnology - The study of race
Ethnomusicology - The study of music in society usually in non-western music
Ethology - The study of animal behaviour
Etymology - The study of word origins
Felinology - The study of cat
Fetology - The study of the fetus.
Formicology - The study of ants
Gastroenterology - Diseases of stomach and intestine
Gemology - The study of gemstones and ornamental materials
Genealogy - The study of family history
Gynaecology - The study of medicine relating to women, or of women in general
Geology - The study of Earth
Geochronology - The study of the age of the Earth
Graphology - The study of handwriting for the purpose of analysing the character of the writer
Gerontology - The study of old age
Haematology - The study of blood
Heliology - The study of the Sun
Herpatology - The study of the liver
Herpetology - The study of reptiles and amphibians
Histology - The study of living tissues
Horology - The study of clocks and time-keeping
Hydrogeology - The study of underground water
Hydrology - The study of water
Hypnology/Somnology - The study of sleep


English Grammar Note

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