Botany Quiz - 001

1. Which of the following plants helps nitrogen fixation?
Unripe mangoes on a mango tree
Unripe mangoes on a mango tree (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
(a) Beans (b) Wheat (c) Rice (d) Tomoto

2. The term associated with the cultivation of grapes:
(a) Aviculture (b) Viticulture (c) Floriculture (d) Epiculture

3. Turpentane is obtained from:
(a) Teak (b) Ricinus (c) Pinus (d) Bamboo

4. Native place of Lady’s finger:
(a) Africa (b) Australia (c) India (d) America

5. The plant associated with biodiesel:
(a) Ricinus (b) Jetropha  (c) All spice (d) Pinus  

6. Which one of the following is an insectivorous plant?
(a) Vanda (b) Pandanus (c) Ficus (d) Nepenthes

7. Plant that produces fruits once in life:
(a) Coffee (b) Tea  (c) Magnolia (d) Plantain

8. Plant that has seeds and no fruits:
(a) Plantain (b) Pepper  (c) Pinus (d) Rubber

9. Plant that has fruits and no seeds:
(a) Tea (b) Coffee  (c) Plantain (d) Paddy

10. Which is known as ‘Mother of Medicinal Plants’?
(a) Neem (b) Gooseberry (c) Rauwolfia (d) Tulsi

11. The birth place of Mango tree:
(a) Africa (b) China  (c) America (d) India

12. Citrus fruits contain ........... acid:
(a) Citric acid (b) Tannic acid (c) Oxalic acid (d) Prussic acid

13. Which is called the ‘Grains of Paradise’?
(a) Tea (b) Pepper  (c) Saffron (d) Cardomom

14. Which is called the ‘Queen of Mangoes’?
(a) Neelam (b) Selem  (c) Alphonsa (d) Malgoa

15. Which is called the ‘King of Mangoes’?
(a) Benganappally (b) Neelam  (c) Malgoa (d) Alphonsa

16. The nativa land of Peach:
(a) Africa (b) Australia  (c) China (d) America

17. Which is also known as ‘Corn’?
(a) Wheat (b) Rice  (c) Maize (d) Soyabean

18. Which is called ‘panacea for all diseases’?
(a) Papaya (b) Gooseberry (c) Mulberry (d) Neem

19. Lychee is a native of:
(a) Australia (b) China (c) Africa (d) America

20. Which fruit was once used for abortion?
(a) Sappota (b) Papaya  (c) Lychee (d) Mulberry

Answers: 1 (a) 2(b) 3 (c) 4 (a) 5(b)6(d) 7(d) 8(c) 9(c)
10(d) 11(d) 12(a) 13(d) 14(d) 15(d) 16(c) 17(c)
18(d) 19(c) 20(b)

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